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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Refashioned (finally)

refashion |rēˈfa sh ən|verb [ trans. ]fashion (something) again or differently.
I finally got around to re-painting my old chairs from an earlier post, picked out some fabric, and am in the process of recovering them (two down, two more to go).
First, I sanded some of the original paint off.  Then I used a caramel color for the first coat.  Next, I applied a weathered wood medium on top of the caramel color.  Once it dried, I painted a cream color on top and let the weathered wood do it's magic cracking the paint.  Then I applied a gloss coat after all of the paint had thoroughly dried.  
I chose fabric from Hancock's that was priced on sale and picked out some decorative upholstery nails.  After cutting the fabric to size for each seat, I got to work hammering away.  The first chair was a total experiment that luckily turned out quite nicely.  With the second chair finished I have managed to get a rhythm of pulling the fabric tight, holding the nail in the line with the others, and hammering it in quickly.  When the last two chairs are finished I know I will have some leftover fabric and I am already thinking of how I can re-use it.


Another small project I worked on today was updating a lamp I bought a few years ago-

The lamp was purchased on sale at Home Goods (every now and then you can find something you're looking for here).  It came with no shade and a few nicks and scratches which was fine by me.  Originally, to get immediate use of it, I placed an old cylindrical shade on it that I had actually gotten with the purchase of my Tea Pot Lamp...

The lamp has now been relocated to Dan's house and needed an updated look.  I found this new-to-me shade in my storage closet that has better lines and fancied it up a with a little ribbon trim... Much better!


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