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Wednesday, July 6, 2011


discover |disˈkəvər|verb [ trans. ]find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a searchfiremen discovered a body in the debris she discovered her lover in the arms of another woman.• become aware of (a fact or situation) the courage to discover the truth and possibly be disappointed [with clause it was a relief to discover that he wasn't in.• be the first to find or observe (a place, substance, or scientific phenomenon) Fleming discovered penicillin early in the twentieth century.• perceive the attractions of (an activity or subject) for the first time a teenager who has recently discovered fashion.• be the first to recognize the potential of (an actor, singer, or musician) discovered the band back in the mid 70s
I have been given the most thoughtful and fabulous gift for my impending birthday from my kind-hearted, loving boyfriend Dan .  A Nikon D3100 camera that is helping me discover the world in a whole new way.  I was equally anxious and excited to begin shooting with it.  After reading the manual cover to cover several times I decided that practice makes perfect.  So I set out to get some practice.  It has been two weeks and we have managed to take 500 pictures of just about everything we see.  Through the camera's view finder, life is framed in a way that begs you to capture it.  
Here is a small sampling of the images we've discovered so far...

Views from my front porch

My faithful subjects, Mickey and Kira

The BeltLine Trail through Ardmore Park in my backyard

My favorite place, Fernandina Beach FL

Ana Kathryn, the cutest red-head I know

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