reality |rēˈalətē|noun ( pl. -ties)1 the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them : he refuses to face reality | Laura was losing touch with reality.• a thing that is actually experienced or seen, esp. when this is grim or problematic : the harsh realities of life in a farming community | the law ignores the reality of the situation.• a thing that exists in fact, having previously only existed in one's mind : the paperless office may yet become a reality.
After a much needed week of relaxing in paradise, us Honeymooners had to get back to reality. Upon our arrival back home, Dan dove headfirst into his new job at Ferguson Fire & Fab and I was weeks away from embarking on my new job as an elementary school teacher and doing my best to soak up the last savory weeks of summer.

So we said Good Bye to Bermuda, I set about checking items off another one of my to-do lists, and somehow between then and now it became September. Where does the time go?!
1. Officially became a Towler, and considered showing you a picture of my new drivers license but they added 10 pounds to my weight so I decided not! (Now to figure out how to change my name on the Blog)
2. Made throw pillows to go with our new bedding- using dish towels, an idea I got from Country Living, I was able to recover 4 down pillows I already had around the house for super cheap.
3. 2 more movies off The List- West Side Story and Do the Right Thing.
4. Started our own little garden- jalapenos and banana peppers.
5. Became a Godmother to my newest sweet niece Margaret Harper Cullens.
6. Painted our den.
7. Finally sanded and sealed an old school desk we had been storing in the garage for way too long and found it a home by the fireplace as a side table and potential extra seating.
8. Fashioned an old anchor into a much needed towel rack for the guest room.
9. Replaced our factory bathroom mirror with this antique mirrored door that has been patiently waiting for the perfect home. (Now to just paint this bathroom...)
10. Anxiously await the arrival of our first niece or nephew on the Towler side!!
11. And last but not least, I remain obsessed with our four legged Little Abbey Girl- She's weighing in at just over 30 pounds and still loving life!