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Sunday, September 4, 2011


do-it-yourself (abbr. DIY)  adjective
of work, esp. building, painting, or decorating) done or to be done by an amateur at home easy-to-use materials and do-it-yourself kits for plumbing fittings.
I tore this picture out of a Country Living magazine a few years ago.  I thought it was such an original idea and I loved the look.   

Believe it or not, an old hand rake can be hard to come by.  But yet again The Queen of Hearts came through and now we have our own Hand Rake stemware holder above Dan's new wine cooler in his kitchen.  I added the tray with a martini shaker, low ball glasses, cork screw, and hors d'oeuvres plates to help complete the look.  The wine cooler was free thanks to a gift card Dan got from work, the hand rake cost $13, and I picked up the tray at Home Goods on sale for $8.  Everything else we already had on hand just waiting to be displayed!

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