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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


craft |kraft|nounan activity involving skill in making things by hand the craft of bookbinding pewter craft.• ( crafts) work or objects made by hand the shop sells local crafts [asadj. ( craft) a craft fair.• a skilled activity or profession the historian's craft.• skill in carrying out one's work a player with plenty of craft.
I really consider myself more crafty than anything else.  I get ideas from things I see in stores and magazines-  then I scan the list I keep in my head of items I have that I could manipulate and turn into creations like the ones I've seen.  
One such piece I saw repeatedly in stores was wind chimes made from different types of seashells.  Having an extensive collection of seashells, I knew I could make my own.  I located my biggest shell and drilled a small hole through the center of it as well as four holes evenly placed around the edges.  I picked out twelve other shells all similar in size to one another but smaller than the main shell at the top.  I drilled a small hole into the top and bottom of each shell, linking them with clear fishing line that I measured out.  Lastly, I hung one last shell in the middle to act as the "chime maker."  Pleased with the aesthetics, I was anxious to hang it and see if I had created a functional wind chime.  Low and behold the wind finally blew and the shells swayed in the breeze, eventually finding their way among each other.  The sound is of course different than that of a typical wind chime.   I find I like it better- being reminded of the changing tides and the tranquillity of the beach.